These files and the file list and it's associated links are *NOT* produced, supported or endorsed by Atomic Games, UbiSoft, Destineer Studios, MatrixGames or Microsoft. Use of this files and it's associated links are at the user's own risk. For educational purposes only, not suitable for production.

Last update: Jan. 23rd, 2016.

Mafi's CC2Guides and other CC2-stuff

CloseCombat2 Guides

CC2Guide-TxtfMapLosRoof-v7.pdf description and synopsis of the CC2/CC3/CC4/CC5/CCM/RtB/CoI/CCMT/WaR/TLD/LSA-map related files (TXT, LOS, BGM, OVM, MMM, RFM/Roof, BTD, MPI) and the CC2/CC3 txtf format, with the help of Mick "xe5", TinTin, kwp and Cpl_Filth. Thanks! (Mac & PC, 135 KB, updated Sep. 2010). description and synopsis of the CC1/CC2/CC3/CC4/CC5/CCM/RtB/WaR/TLD/LSA-sprite files (SPRI, IRPS, ALPH, *.stm, *.spr, *.nsd, *.zsd) and the CC3 zfx format, with the help of TinTin, Zonbie and Cpl_Filth. Thanks! (Mac & PC, 580 KB, updated May 2013).
CC2Guide-Terrain-File-v5.pdf analyzing and patching the Terrain file, extended with tree charts of later CC versions (Mac & PC, 1.6 MB, updated May 2013).
CC2Guide-Explode-file-v2.pdf analyzing and patching the Explode file to implement airplane animations in CC2 like Zonbie did for CC3 (Mac & PC, 264 KB, slightly updated Nov. 2004).
CC2Guide-UI_Intrface_OvData.pdf detailed description of the files UI, Intrface.cc2 and the OvData#-files (Mac & PC, 90 KB, updated Nov. 2003).
CC2Guide-MacResourcesPat-v3.pdf general instructions how to patch the UI file and the resource fork of the executable file ABTF. Revised Nov. 2003. (Mac, 288 KB).
CC2Guide-stri-Res_(MacOnly).pdf instructions how to patch the stri-Resource of the executable ABTF (Mac, 204 KB).
CC2Guide-DlogBoxs_(MacOnly).pdf instructions how to patch the Dialog-Boxes in the resource fork of ABTF (Mac, 504 KB).
CC2Guide-SoldierColorPatch.pdf instructions how to patch the executable ABTF to change the colors of the soldiers, according to the rules of Cpl_Filth. (Mac & PC, 172 KB).
CC2Guide-Bridg-files-v6.pdf analyzing and creating Bridg###-files and their relation to other files (Map###, Scenario, Ops) (Mac & PC, 580 KB, updated Nov. 2003).
CC2Guide-NewBattlesMaps-v6.pdf how to install new or additional maps (Batnames file and its relation to other files). Includes CC5/CC3 -> CC2 map-conversion with PC tools (Mac & PC, 88 KB). Updated in July 2009: XXX-Corps-progression modding (thanks to Nembo).
CC2Guide-NewTankCountry-v10.pdf how to change the Teams file and its relating files (now includes how to implement additional teams and vehicles, how to command vehicle team's soldiers, how to use captured teams, how to change vehicle graphics and hotpoints).
(Mac & PC, 692 KB, updated and expanded Feb. 2009). my synopsis between CC3 and CC2 terrain elements and a suggestion how to convert CC3-*.txt files directly in CC2-Map### files. CC5 to CC2 conversion added in Nov. 2003, (Mac & PC, 28 KB, updated May 2006).
CC2Guide-MacSound-file-v3.pdf a short guide about the differences between the sound files of the PC- and the Mac-version of ABTF and how to patch the Mac-sound file (28 KB, updated May 2006).    UPDATE in 2016 ! a short html-guide to all CC2 custom maps ever published until Jan. 2016 (updated 2016, 829 KB). Extended version of the text which I had produced ten years ago for Mooxe's site.


CloseCombat2 Guides and Texts by other Authors NakedFoot's MapMaking Guide v1 for CC2 of 1999 with additiona by Mick 'xe5' (124 KB). Cappy-R's guide on the contents of the CC2 files Gadget0 & Gadget1. The explanation of the CC2-Operations/Campaign scheme (XLS-spreadsheets) by JA, compiled and published by Dave at in 1998. A PDF file on how to patch the base files to get different troops including Canadian-Teams example by Xian99 of 2001.
CC2DBrave-BattleTactics.pdf Battle tactics as presented by DBrave on his gone site in 2001.
CC2Guide-Strategy.pdf Battle strategy as presented by Thunderbolt109 on his site since 1999.


essential CloseCombat2 tools from the programming gods and me

CCEdit 1.4a52.sit (2003-01-08)

CCEdit 1.4a4.sit

for MacOS Classic:

the ultimative tool for making CC2-maps, runs under MacOS 7 - 9.2.2 or in Classic mode under MacOS X. Author: Chris Ellens. Posted here due to the fact that his site is down. (v1.4a4 is without the feature "all terrain boundries shown").

The ".SIT"-archives are wrapped into ".ZIP"-files now, otherwise they would be removed by the provider.

LOS-for-MacOS.sit for MacOS Classic:

LOS-file making tool for MacOS, not needed if you use CCEdit v1.4 or later, posted here for historical puposes only (Mac only). Author: Vince Viaud, Mac-conversion by Chris Ellens, including source-code in C.

The ".SIT"-archive is wrapped into ".ZIP"-file now, otherwise it would be removed by the provider.

or MacOS-X and Classic (PPC-cpu, carbonized, requires MacOS 8.5 or above and CarbonLib 1.6 or newer or Intel-cpu, requires MacOS-X 10.4.8 or newer, separate apps), bundled with the W2K-WinXP-Vista-W7 version in one package:

by me: version 3.02 (refurbished UI in 2013): I have made a tool (it was my first MacOS program then) to convert CC2-PC-soundfiles to CC2-Mac-soundfiles and vice versa and patching the CC2-Mac-soundfile, now tested succesfully with the conversion of the Afrika-Mod sound file, the Pacific-, GreatWar- and Kreta-sound files.

Source code included for RealBasic 5.5 (5.1 MB).

for MacOS-X and Classic (PPC-cpu, carbonized, requires MacOS 8.5 or above and CarbonLib 1.6 or newer or Intel-cpu, requires MacOS-X 10.4.8 or newer, separate apps), bundled with the W2K-WinXP-Vista-W7 version in one package:

last updated: Apr. 17th, 2013
download now moved to:

by me: 5CC v1.22, a CC-map editor, and the first one for MacOS-X/Intel-based Macs (for CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5, CCM, RtB, CoI, CCMT, CC:WaR, CC:TLD, CC:LSA ... ), (19.3 MB, including English manual (and an outdated French manual), file format manuals and demo tree-patch libraries).

Separately: small tree planting tutorial (890 KB) as of Dec. 5th, 2007.

for MacOS-X and Classic (PPC-cpu, carbonized, requires MacOS 8.5 or above and CarbonLib 1.6 or newer or Intel-cpu, requires MacOS-X 10.4.8), bundled with the W2K-WinXP-Vista version in one package:

last updated July 29th, 2009

by me: new v5.02: supporting CC:WaR/TLD BTD-files.
- EOL-char modding for entire CC2-install,
- tiny CC2-bridge-file making,
- Battlemaker-file-to-Scenario-Converter,
- extract and rebuild the Gadget# files and expand them for more team gadgets !
- extract and rebuild Intrface.cc2
- convert CC2 Txtr###-, BGMap###-files etc. to TGA and back,
- convert CC3/CC4/CC5-map-graphics files to TGA and back,
- extract/repack CC3-RtB txtf-files,
- shrink all CC2/CC3/CC4/CC5/RtB-map-files
- shrink and convert all CC-map-files to any other CC-format (including LOS-files)
- convert map-data file's terrain-elements from CC5 to CC2, CC3 to CC2, CC2 to CCMT, CC5 to CoI ...
- expand CC2/CC3/CC5 map's txt/bgm/rfm files to RtB size,
- rotate and join map data, bgm and roof files,
- map data file generating from scratch (all CC versions)
- PATCHING the Mac-ABTF / CC2.exe for more teams !
- patching 'stri'-resource of Mac-ABTF

Source code (RB5) and manual (PDF) included (7.7 MB).


CCBmaker is a tool to create and edit CC2 custom user battles and also able to edit CC2's 'Scenario'/'AlOOB'/'AxOOB'. It solves not only the CC2-Afrika-mod crash but gives you also the following add-ons:
- all teams classes (even those beyond team class #132) accesible,
- unknown team classes will be listed as well,
- Allied teams can be assigned to Axis side,
- special deployment value '3' can be set,
- 'Scenario' / 'AlOOB' / 'AxOOB' files can be edited and saved separately,
- custom user files can be converted into 'Scenario' /... files and vice versa,
- easy to use team deployment for 'AlOOB' / 'AxOOB'.
- delete automatically '.DS_Store' files under MacOS-X inside the 'Games:Battles' folder.

by me for MacOS-X (PPC and i386) and Classic (carbonized, requires MacOS 8.5 or above and CarbonLib 1.6 or newer) bundled with the Win98-WinXp version in one package:

last updated June 12th, 2013 - v1.03

or MacOS-X (UniversalBinary) and Classic (carbonized, requires MacOS 8.5 or above and CarbonLib 1.6 or newer) bundled with the W2K-WinXP-W7 version in one package:

last updated: June 23rd, 2011

by me: v1.02, editing/expanding the files Ovdata0 .. Ovdata3, source code included for RealBasic 5 (4.7 MB) (obsolete) for Win98 (in case someone might need it):

first version by me: v1.0, same as above (716 KB).

for MacOS-X and Classic (carbonized, requires MacOS 8.5 or above and CarbonLib 1.6 or newer) and i386-Macs bundled with the W2K-WinXP-W7 version in one package:

last updated: June 13th, 2011

by me: v1.01, a CC vehicle shadow editor for CC2/3/4/5/M/RtB, manual included (8.04 MB).

for MacOS-X and Classic (carbonized, requires MacOS 8.5 or above and CarbonLib 1.6 or newer) and i386-Macs bundled with the W2K-WinXP-W7 version in one package:

last updated: June 13th, 2011

by me: v2.95, extracting/rebuilding the *.spr, *.nsd, *.zsd, *.zfx files, TerrainA.stm, Terrain, Soldier/SoldierB (for CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5, CCM, RoadToBaghdad, CoI, CCMT, WaR/TLD/LSA) and Smoke, Explode, VehB, VehS (CC2 only), CC1 sprite and tile analyzing and extracting added, source code for RealBasic 5.5.4 and manual included (4.56 MB).

CC3-CC2 & CCelevat &

for MS-DOS:

four little tools by me which can help to do CC3-CC2 map conversions. Source code included. CCshrink.exe may be usefull for CC3-CC5 map makers too. It can shrink the size of the map-datas (*.txt files) by cutting off deployment tiles from all sides. The other package is intended for CC2 map makers. Guide on how to convert CC3 maps is included. Actual version of Dec. 5th, 2002. the old tools (1999) for PC only:

MapMaker - map-editing tool by Gerry Shaw (aka TinTin),
CC2-MapMaking Guide v1 by Naked Foot
cc2los - LOS-file making tool by Vince Viaud, improved by TinTin,
GadgetI & GadgetX - Gadget#-file-edit tools by Escobar,
InterfaceI & InterfaceX - Intrface.CC2-file-edit tools by Escobar,
TextureMaker v1 - tools to convert/create CC2-graphics by Gerry Shaw (aka TinTin),
cc2soundedit - a PC-CC2-soundeditor by Phil Lane. ...additions for PC:

FAQ's by Mick(xe5),
TextureMaker v2 - tools to convert/create CC2-graphics by Gerry Shaw (aka TinTin),
TM3 - tools to convert/create CC3-graphics by Gerry Shaw (aka TinTin),
Gadget-Catalogue by Cappy-R,
CC3/CC2-Elements-synopsis by Mafi.



some tools and docs for the rest of the CloseCombat series by me for PC:

a modified CC5QClone.ini file to use QClone (by Sgt. Wilson) on RtB base files (by me, 12 KB).

for MacOS-X (UB for PPC and i386, requires MacOS-X 10.2.8 or newer), bundled with the W2K-WinXP-W7 version in one package:

updated Jan. 1st, 2012

by me: v2.39, extracting/rebuilding the *.mpi, *.pix,*.gdg, *.azp, *.tex files, patching the *.exe to get new screen layouts (for CC4, CC5, CCM, RtB, CCMT, CC:WaR, CC:TLD, CC:LSA). And: BTD-conversion old-to-new (CC:WaR ...), CC3-Gun/Wreck-txtf - to - CC4/5-tex support. (7.44 MB).

Includes graphic file conversion (single file / entire folder) for TGA to BMP and back (and under certain circumstances more formats), replacing the older TGAconverter tool by me.

BTD-Editor 2009

for MacOS-X (UB for PPC and i386, requires MacOS-X 10.2.8 or newer), bundled with the W2K-WinXP-W7 version in one package:

updated Aug. 13th, 2011

by me: v1.09, editing the *.btd files and the file StratMap.txt of CC:WaR, CC:TLD and CC:LSA. (8.07 MB). Includes source code.



smaller CloseCombat2 patches by me small vehicle-only CC2-mod: Sturmtiger and Priest as indirect-fire artillery. (Mac & PC).
CC2Patching-KretaMac(v1.1).sit small self patching utility for the executable ABTF to get correct soldier colors for Kyle Scott "Fish"'s CC2-Kreta v1.1 (Mac only, wrapped into ZIP). improved files Gadget0 & Gadget1 for Tim Catherall's CC2-GW-Mod. New v2.1 2002-11-07 (850 KB).


CloseCombat2 patches by others The latest CC2 data patch v3.4 of the TournamentHouse, converted by me to Mac-version (does include the PC-version, too), posted here with Homba's permission. The first version of the CC2 data smoke patch v2.0b of the TournamentHouse, posted here with Homba's permission. This patch changes only some data entries, it does not change the graphic files. this is a set of new Base-files (November 2002) for the original gameplay, based upon the CC2-3.1-patch by SevenX (as used mostly during online-play). It introduces indirect fire for 8.8 gun and 8in gun. No additional graphics needed. This patch was made by BR_Braz (aka Victor Barone) and is published here with his explicit permission.

George Thanos' CC2-Greek-Patch (an early CC2-mod) divided into two parts. Sorry to say that his soundfile is missing. Allied Panther CC2-mod: US will have captured German tank (1 MB), made by a_hbruce in October 1998.



my Terrain-file collection my Terrain file for the CC2-1940 mod by vonB: French flag (replacing US) and some conifere trees. my Terrain file for the CC2-EasternFront mod by das_fuchs: Soviet flag (replacing all Allies) and some conifere trees. an alternative Terrain file for the CC2-Kreta mod by Kyle Scott "Fish": palm trees and Kreta-like flags if you want to play the Afrika-maps with the Kreta mod. my Terrain file for the Dieppe-Raid mod for CC2 (by Wouter Pinkhof and David Bourchanin). Canadian/British flag in the British slot, summer trees instead of orchard trees. New Oct. 10th, 2002. my Terrain file for the a possible Operation Plunder or Varsity mod or a Vlissingen mod for CC2. Canadian flag in the Polish slot, spring time trees and conifere trees instead of orchard trees. New Oct. 10th, 2002. my Terrain file for the CC2-Great-War-Patch made by Tim Catherall: new German flag, British, French, US (for Western Front only). New Oct. 13th, 2002. sample animation my Terrain file for a possible CC2-Gallipoli mod: Turkish, British, French and Russian Empire flag. Same trees as Terrain file for GW patch. New Nov. 27th, 2002. my Terrain file for a possible CC2-Nam-Mod: new trees, new flags (NV, US, SV, ANZAC and their combinations). New Oct. 13th, 2002.


my additional graphics for CC2 map-, mod- and terrain-makers

CC2IconsForMacOSClassic.sit my icons for MacOS Classic (116 KB, wrapped into ZIP). example: Japanese 38th Div. graphical artwork for the PacificFront Mod file "Gadget0", partially not used: USMC, US Army, Japanese, British, Indian, Australian Division Badges (168 KB). graphical artwork for the CC2-Afrika-Mod, partially not used: division badges, rank insignias (Italian, French ...), German halftracks & trucks, British guns. All in uncompressed TGAs (504 KB). 20 empty flag files to design your own Terrain file VL-flags 25x15 pixels: only flag-waving animation and shadow-color included. You can paste over your desired flag to get the correct animation series of 20 graphics. 20 empty flag files to design your own Terrain file VL-flags 30x18 pixels: only flag-waving animation and shadow-color included. You can paste over your desired flag to get the correct animation series of 20 graphics. Example flags (Gallipoli) and ActionSet included (24 KB). 4 new small graphics (TGA) for the CC2-Quit-Button by me (12 KB).
13 locomotive and railcar graphics (TGA) in two scales for use as map details (132 KB).

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